Senior lecturer, master of "Informatics and VT"
General experience of pedagogical work: 20 years
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Scientific works
1. The Methodology of Expert Systems.IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, Seoul Korea VOL.14 No.02, February 2014
2. Creating a Java SCRIPT Web Application (kaz.yaz).WKATU, RGKP, Uralsk-2014 BBK:32.973.202
3. The rise and fall of SARTSNA (rus.yaz).Science and education of the XXI century: experience and prospects: mat. international scientific-practical conf. is dedicated to The 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (November 20-21, 2015). - Uralsk: WKATU them. Zhangir Khan. - 2015. Part I.
4. Theoretical foundations of the creation of mobile pages (kaz.yaz) Science and Education. The scientific and practical journal WKATU-Uralsk 2015. - № 4 (41). - ISSN 2305-9397
5. Guidelines for 3D graphics (Blender) (kaz.yaz) WKATU, RGKP, Uralsk-2015, UDC: 32.973
6. Fundamentals of the preparation and use of multimedia textbooks (kaz.yaz) C. Publishing House Seifullin KazATU, textbook, Astana-216, ISBN 978-9965-824-26-3
7. Creation of animation in web technologies (kaz.yaz) WKATU, RGKP, Uralsk-2016 ISBN 978-601-7543-80-8
8. Basic logic elements and combinations of computers (kaz.yaz) WKATU, RGKP, Uralsk-2016 , ISBN 978-601-7543-79-2
9. “Mathematical Modeling of Elastic Hysteresis Phenomenon in Round Plates in Presence of Residual Tension” , Procedia Engineering, Science Direct / Volume 150, 2016,
10. Methodological foundations of the use of multimedia textbooks (rus.yaz) International scientific-practical conference "Taimanov readings-2017". WKSU, editorial publishing center. Uralsk 2017
11. Using the MYSQL database to create a timetable database at the university (rus.yaz) Science and education. - 2016. - № 1 (42). - (Uralsk).- ISSN 2305-9397
12. Possibilities of using multimedia tutorials (kaz.yaz). Conduct of modern science-2016: materials of the XII international scientific and practical conference (nov.30-dec.7, 2016). - Bangkok, Thailand. - 2016. vol. 16 technical science.
13. Methods for solving probability theory paradoxes (rus.yaz), Information and communication technologies: Current trends and development prospects. Publisher KarSU them. E.A. Buketova, Karaganda 2017. ISBN978-9965-859-67-0
14. Achievements of scientific projects (kaz.yaz), Zangar Magazine. Uralsk - 2017.
15. Java Script is an object-oriented programming language for scripts. WKATU, RSLR, Uralsk-2017, ISBN 978-601-319-055-6
16. Methodological basis for the use of multimedia textbooks (kaz.yaz) International scientific-practical conference "Taimanov readings-2017", Uralsk -2017.
17. Internet programming (kaz.yaz). WKSU, editorial publishing center, Uralsk-2018ISBN 978-601-266-384-6
18. International Academic Mobility - Performance Indicator (kaz.yaz) the newspaper "Pulse", №62, (1383) November 8, 2018
19. Identification of inelastic types of fastening of the rod at both ends (rus.yaz). Достижение и приложения овременной информатики, математики и физики. /Материалы VІІ Всеросийской научно-практической заочной конференции/ 30 ноября. 2018г. Г.Нефтекамск.
20. Identification of Boundary conditions of Rods Proceedings of The International Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician Azad Khalil ogluMirzajanzad «Modern Problems of Innovative Technologies in Oil and Gas Production and Applied Mathematics». Baku: Azerbaijan State Oiland Industry University. 2018
21. Methods of using multimedia technology in the classroom (kaz.yaz) ІХ Makhambetov Readings "conference, Oral, 2018
22. Internet programming (kaz.yaz). educational textbook - Uralsk: ZKMU,2018, -ISBN 978-601-266-384-6
23. Website West Kazakhstan State University. M. Utemisova (rus.yaz), I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Technologies and Automation in Engineering, Management and Education" Balakovo. December 20, 2018
24. West Kazakhstan State University. M. Utemisova in social networks (rus.yaz), I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Technologies and Automation in Engineering, Management and Education" Balakovo. December 20, 2018
Professional development
Information about qualification:
1. Participation in Science Direct and Scopus to prepare held December 9, 2014 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, ELSEVIER BV (Turkey, Iran, the Middle East and CIS), Uralsk.
2. "Practical aspects of technology commercialization" - Center for Technology Commercialization, Astana city 07.08.2015
3. JSC "National Agency for Technological Development", 2016
4. “Beginner”, “Elementary English” –training course (English courses) 2016, 2017
5. “Digital services in education” No. 8086 (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), Almaty, 2018
6. English course (Kazakh National Technical University named after KI Satpayev) Almaty. 06.25.18 - 21.07.18
Teaching disciplines:
Information Systems Design, Project management, Information theory, Basics of research, Internet programming, Computer modelling, Organization of aggravated systems and networks, Standardization, certification, technical measurements, Digital circuit, IKT, Java programming languages, OpenGL programming and graphics, PHP programming languages, Information Security and Information Security, Informatization of education, Protection of information, Basics of Information Systems, Providing system software with system software.