Qualification advancement`s general information:
1. Has finished training on the program for academic and administrative staff Organization of space for inclusive education at the university ( in general 36 academic hours: face to face - 16 hours, online - 20 hours) 2018 year
2. From M.Utemisov WKSU in Uralsk, has complited her research stay at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz at the institute of Physics, on the theme: Elaboration of bio - and chemosensors prototypes based on diamond layers obtained by HF CVD 01.10.2015 – 11.01.2017 year
3. Has participated in the Polish Language Courses at the elementary level A. Bydgoszcz, 01.10.2015 - 21.02.2016 year
Published works
Published works:
1. Аizhan Iskalyeva «Scientific projects in the content of student training» Материалы научно практической конференции «Таймановские чтения 2017», посвященной 100
2. Аizhan Iskalyeva Luminescent and scintillation properties of Ce3+ doped Ca2RMgScSi3O12 (R=Y, Lu) single crystalline films”, Journal of Luminescence, 2018
3. Аizhan Iskalyeva “Luminescence of Ce3+ in Ca2+- Mg2+- Si4+ based garner phosphors” , Journal of Luminescence, 2018
4. Аizhan Iskalyeva«Synthesis and luminescent properties of prospective Ce3+ doped silicate garnet phosphors for white LED converters» Elsevier Journal of Luminescence Volume 192 December 2017, Pages 328-336
5. Аizhan Iskalyeva«Impedance study of undoped, polycrystalline diamond layers obtained by HF CVD» Applied Physics A. Materials Sience & Processing. Cross Mark. 8 March 2017
6. Аizhan Iskalyeva«Epitaxil growth of single crystalline film phosphor based on the Ce3+- doped Ca2YMgScSi3O12 garnet» CrystEngComm2017
7. Аizhan Iskalyeva “New Ce3+ doped Ca2YMgScSi3O12 garnet ceramic phosphor for white LED converters” Physica Status Solidi- Rapid Research Letters2017
8. Аizhan Iskalyeva“Growth and optical properties of Ce3+ doped Y3-xCaxAl5-xSixO12 single crystalline films” International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering fabrication, properties and applications May 29 - June 2, 2017, Lviv, Ukraine
9. Аizhan Iskalyeva «Luminescence and energy transfer processes in Ce3+ activated (Gd,Tb)3Al5O12 single crystalline films» Elsevier Journal of Luminescence Volume 188 August 2017, Pages 60-66
10. Аizhan Iskalyeva “Aluminum and Gallium Substitution in Yttrium and Lutetium Aluminum –Gallium Garnets: Investigation by Single Crystal NMR and TSL Methods” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016
11. Аizhan Iskalyeva «A Raman spectroscopy study of the effect of thermal treatment on structural and photoluminescence properties of CVD diamond films» Elsevier Materials & Design Volume 1126, 15 December 2016, Pages 320-327
Cources taught
Cources taught:
- Electricity magnetism
- Optics
- Classical mechanics
- Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus
- Electrodynamics and SRT
- Statistical physics, electron theory of matter and fundamentals of physical kinetics
- Lecture review
- English B1 - B2 (specialized)
- Molecular physics
- Mechanics