Professional development
Qualification advancement`s general information:
Participation in the training seminar "Differential Equation and Their Applications" (in the volume of 72 hours) 09.06.2016
Scientific works
Published works:
Кадырова Г.М., Мухитова Н.Н. «Молекулалық физика және термодинамика» пәнінен зертханалық жұмыстар бойынша оқу – әдістемелік құрал М.Өтемісов атындағы БҚМУ РБО, 2016. -35б
Cources taught: Electricity and Magnetism; Electrodynamics and Special Relativity; Quantum Mechanics; Statistical Physics; Electronic Theory of Matter and Fundamentals of Physical Kinetics; Physics in Problems; Physical Picture of the World; Lecture Review; Molecular Physics