Kushekkaliev Alman Nysanbaevich

Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, blog page
Total teaching experience: 20 years
Academic degree: Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences-2004. (Saratov State University.N. D.Chernyshevsky)
- M. P. Saratov state University. G. Musrepova Chernyshevsky.
- 2014. Training on the European ICT qualifications framework»
- University of library science and information technology in Sofia (Bulgaria).
- 2014. "Training on the creation of business models of training centers."
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Mataro (Spain))
- 2015. "The study of modern methods of training, e-learning to create a system of professional ICT education "»
- Tessalonika Alexandria Institute of Technology (Greece)
- 2016 year. University College of Ghent (Belgium).
- 1.Evaluation of the effectiveness of computer networks, science and education. 2014. No. 4. C. 165-200.
- 2.Search algorithm. "Higher school of Kazakhstan" 2016. No. 3. the order of the public service Page.294-299.
- 3.Scientific style method of root text detection. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL-THE APPLICATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. SEARCH-SEARCH 2016. No. 2.Generalities
- 4. Development of tools for evaluating the effectiveness of computer networks. 2nd international scientific-practical conference.. "Education and science-2014" Modern information technologies.: Prague. Publishing house "Education and science" - 72 pages.
- 5. Modular learning as a new technology in education. Science and youth in the modern world: REP.students and undergraduates dedicated to the 550th anniversary of The Kazakh khanate and the 70th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war.scientific practice. Conf. Materials (26-27 March 2015). Uralsk: West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University them. Zhangir Khan. - 2015. -B. II. - B. 380-387 (Uralsk) №4 2014
- 6. Search engine algorithm. "THE NEW AGE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES" ASTANA 2015
- 7. "The use of the virtual world in connection with the development of technology." Scientific journal. State University named after Shakarim Semey . № 3 (75)-2016. - M.: Ed. Semey-2016
- 8. "Introduction of dual elements of innovative learning". Scientific journal. S. Pavlodar State University .torajgyrova. № 3-2016. Bulletin Of The Semipalatinsk -2016
- 9. Computer network. RSE " West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University them. Zhangir Khan " - Uralsk, 2015
- 10. Repair and maintenance of personal computers. URALSK. WEST KAZAKHSTAN AGRARIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ZHANGIR KHAN, 2016 ISBN 978-601-7543-89-1
- 11.Kushekkaliyev A. N., Kasymova A. H. Bulletin of PSU, 2017, Pavlodar.
- 12.Kushekkaliev A. N., Kasymova A. H. Filtering of Internet traffic based on Web content mining
Subjects taught
Subjects taught:
- 1.Solid state physics
- 2. Methodical peculiarities of solving physical tasks
- 3. Physics of scientific and technical progress.fundamentals of theory.Nanotech