senior lecturer, master
Highest. From 1994 to 1996 A. S. Ural pedagogical Institute. Pushkin, 1996-1998 S. S. West Kazakhstan humanitarian University named after Pushkin
Magistracy. 2012-2014. Master of science
General teaching experience:
1998-2000. Got a job in the village of Taldy-apan zhalpaktal district.
2000-2004. Teacher of mathematics and Informatics of S. the seven-headed Mar Taskala district.
2004-2006. School № 39 Uralsk
2006-2015. West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University of a name of Zhangirkhan
2015 G. M. wksu them. Utemisov
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Information on professional development:
2015 Using IT-technologies in educational process of the University
2015 successfully completed the basic level of the English language course
2016. Differential equations and their applications
2016. Actual problems of training future teachers of mathematics
2016. Development of the problem of multilingual education in secondary and Higher education
2016. Professional development and additional education of
2017. Courses of improvement of qualification of teachers of pedagogical specialties of the higher school" modern pedagogical technologies"
Publications: 5 total Makarov-9, teaching AIDS-6, e-manuals-11
Courses taught: mathematical analysis, probability theory, elementary mathematics, methods of teaching mathematics.