Zhumagaliyeva Aisulu Eltaevna

associate Professor, candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, blog page


From 1970 to 1974, A. S., Ural pedagogical Institute. Pushkino.

Postgraduate study. Institute of mathematics and mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1981-1984

Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences. 25.03.1985

Professor. 17.04.1990

Total teaching experience: 1977-1981, 1984-2002 years of the agricultural Institute, Department of mathematics, 2002 M. wksu them. Utemisova, teacher of the Department of mathematics (44 years).

Information on professional development:

2014. Certificate: international scientific and practical conference "the Role and impact on the quality of new education on the development of science and industry of the Republic", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Kazakh-Russian International University.

2015 Certificate: for participation in the workshop" improvement of work with gifted children through effective implementation of interactive methods in the learning process"

2016. Certificate of the seminar"Differential equations and their applications".

Scientific works: Total publications-more than 50 recommended by the Committee for control in the field of education and science MES-15

Manuals-10, including those recommended for publication by the educational and methodical Association in the group of specialties "Education" Rums MES RK on the basis of KazNPU. Ul. Ul. Abaya-2

Courses taught: mathematical analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics.