In accordance with the decree of the Government of KazASSR, in 1932 was opened the physics and mathematics Department of the pedagogical Institute, which was opened in Uralsk, in 1936 was established the Department of physics and mathematics. In 1939, the Department was divided into two departments: the Department of mathematics and physics. Head.Department of mathematics V. I. P. Shmelev made a great contribution to the formation of the Department, the professional growth of its staff, hard work and diligence during the great Patriotic war.
In the 1953-1954 academic year, the Department of mathematics was divided into two: higher (head.So Irkegulov), elementary (head of YF Tommorow). In 1955-1968 P. Tokarev headed the Department. In the 1960-ies of the Department sh. T Irkegulov, p. P. Suetin, T. G. Almaty S. Nazirov,P. Bosnjakovic,S. B. Ablyalimov, A. G. Borisov, J. P. Suetin, H. P. Kenzhegulova, N. S. Rich such scientists as Viguzov. 1968-1972 (head of the Department of higher mathematics Yu. P. Suetin) M. V. The Ural branch of the Moscow state University was created and functioned.University and all-Union mathematical school of the USSR APN (CMS). Along with Moscow state University and the Novosibirsk branch of them.M. V. Lomonosov had the right to independently accept students (this is stated in the issue 1 of the magazine "quantum" of those years, where the content and conditions of acceptance of the GMV works were published). The Ural branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and GMS MSU was 30 years (1963-1993)..)
In the 1970s, introduced a new curriculum in the field of "mathematics", "physics" for a 4-year period and 5-year period of study in the specialty "General technical disciplines and labor (specialty physics extra)". Departments of higher mathematics and physics were allocated, as a result of which the departments of algebra and geometry, mathematical analysis, theoretical and experimental physics, General physics and methods of teaching physics, methods of teaching mathematics were created. After graduating from graduate schools of large educational institutions in the departments returned to their graduates. They Are: G. A. Turanov, G. Almaty Street. Kuspanova, D. G. Almaty Zhumakhmetov, M. S. - M.: Publishing House "Foliant", 2007.Almaty. Zhubanysheva, Raw (Camkii), R. Almaty S. Kusainov,H. Tleugali, S. P. - M.: Nauka, 1978.Astana - Moscow: publishing house of KAZ. T. B.
In 1970 was organized methodical work of departments of P. K. Suetin, A. K., Bosnjakovic, Œ.B. Kablanova, T. A. Abilov, T. I. Oleynikova, L. K. Davilina, R. A. Mukanov, J. F. Tomorow, M. S. Khusainov, Y. K. Ermolaeva, etc. b. with great responsibility were involved.
From 1979-1980 academic year, the Department of algebra and geometry was renamed the Department of algebra (head.Department–associate Professor U. A. B. Koblanova), geometry (head–associate Professor H. P. - M.: publishing House of Moscow state University.M. V. Lomonosov, 2005.
In may 1996, the pedagogical Institute was established at the West Kazakhstan humanitarian University, the Department of mathematics was merged and reorganized into the Department of mathematics and MPM. Head of the Department is associate Professor N. With. Appointed Viguzov.
The main activity of the Department-providing students with high scientific and theoretical level of quality education. Planning, organization, analysis, and control of independent work of students in this field N.With.Piguzov, Z. Zh. Zhubanysheva, teacher of mathematics at the University and school Kosmonova A. A., Yermolayeva, Y. K., J. S. Kakiev, Karasayeva A. I., L. G Orlova implemented.
In 2000-2002, in connection with the merger of 3 state universities of the city, the Department together with the Department of mathematics of West Kazakhstan agrarian University, with honor carried out teaching in various fields of mathematics for students of 41 specialties of 14 faculties. Teachers of the Department made presentations at international scientific conferences in Samara, Moscow, Togliatti, Orenburg.
The Department was opened in 2002 while the rector of the University-Professor on the initiative of B. G. Damitov, the first graduate of the Ural pedagogical Institute, academician of the Kazakh SSR, world-famous mathematician. the aim of the development of scientific research in mathematics, physics, computer science and memory of A. D. Taimanov was organized by the international scientific and practical conference. The conference was attended by well-known scientists of Kazakhstan, Russia, including the son of A.D. Taimanov-academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Novosibirsk state University, doctor of physics and mathematics I. A. Taimanov and daughter-M. V. Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, associate Professor of Moscow state University. Lomonosov A. Shkalikova Participated. Since then, the international scientific and practical conference "Taimanov Readings" is held every 2 years on a regular basis.
From 2003-2004 academic year (head. departments Ulanov B.)V., S. Zhumagalineva E.) in connection with the change of the traditional system of education, the transition to credit technology, the graduate is awarded the academic degree of "bachelor of education" – the initial stage of transformation. Since 2004 the magistracy on the specialty" mathematics " and is preparing a master. In 2006, the candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, associate Professor P. I. P. Was organized Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Tokarev.
In 2010-2012. 2 times during the school year by the decision of the MES was held Republican mathematical Olympiad of students. The winners of the subject Olympiads-B. Kabanov, E. Stulnikov, TB..
Since 2009, the Department of physics and mathematics (head-graduate of the Department in 2001, candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, acting associate Professor.A. Kulzhumieva). 3 masters study in full-time postgraduate study of Novosibirsk state University and 1 master passed 2-year training in Poland at the University.Casimir The Great.
Academician of NAS RK, Professor, doctor of physics and mathematics Otelbaev, N. Temirgaliyev, G. G. Kostanay, Ul. Industrial, 41.G. Imashev, Ul. Baktybekov, PhD zhakiyev has been the winner of the sports Olympics Denis Ten, TB. during the event, students read lectures, conducted scientific-methodical seminars.
In recent years, the Department has successfully developed ties with universities near and far abroad. About 40 students and undergraduates majoring in Mathematics were trained in the academic mobility program at universities in Russia, Poland and Germany. Kalmyk state University. f.-M. V. V. St. Ph. D., associate Professor B. Gergalova on the subject "complex analysis"; PhD University.Casimir, a son of Poland Swarovski on discipline "Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic"; C. Professor of the University Fabisiak on discipline "physics of atom and atomic nucleus» ; Professor from Korea, Dr. Yang Li PhD gave a lecture on information and communication technologies. F.-M. Sciences, Professor of Novosibirsk state University M. V. V. D., Professor A. V. Bagaev read online a lecture on "singular points and topology". Associate Professor S. Kulzhumieva A. For students of Kalmyk state University was given a lecture on the subject "differential equations" for students of the Institute "Tourism and culture" G. Bydgosz, Poland on "differential equations in an independent work."
In the competition "implementation of innovative projects", implemented at the University, from 2011-2012 academic year annually participate teachers of the Department and win prizes. The winners ' works will be distributed as best practices.
Since 2012, student groups of multilingual training in mathematics and physics have been opened.
The employment rate of graduates is 95-100%. Among the many graduates who continue their education abroad (Laupaev in Germany, Armenti M-in Russia, etc.).C. C.).
In 2018, the Department was divided into two departments: the Department of mathematics and the Department of physics. Head of the Department appointed associate Professor B. V. Ulanov .
Scientists of the Department are engaged in training of highly qualified specialists in educational institutions of the city and region, the Republic, improving the quality of education, the introduction of new technological methods in the educational process.